Compassionate care for scar treatment

Scar Treatment



Scars are firm, elevated, or depressed areas that can result from acne, traumatic injury, certain diseases, or surgery of the skin. When the skin is injured the body’s normal wound healing response is triggered. The degree of scarring that develops depends on your genetic disposition, age, depth, breadth, and location of the injury. Sometimes the body can mount an exaggerated wound healing response, resulting in an elevated or keloidal scar. Sometimes a depressed or indented scar can develop. Scars can also be red, pink, white, or hyperpigmented.

While it is not possible to completely remove a scar, there are non-invasive procedures to improve scars. We offer a variety of non-invasive treatments for the improvement of scars including:

  • Filler Injections
  • Vbeam Laser
  • Fraxel Laser
  • MedLite Laser

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