Compassionate care to prevent sweating

Excessive Sweating



Why do I sweat more than everyone else?

Excessive sweating without any underlying medical condition is called primary hyperhidrosis. If the cause of excessive sweating is due to a medical condition, this is referred to as secondary hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis (HH) is caused by the increased release of a chemical (acetylcholine) which causes sweat glands to produce excessive perspiration, most commonly in palms, soles, and underarms (axilla).

It can significantly affect the social and psychological well-being of an individual. For some individuals, it may cause physical discomfort, social embarrassment, affect occupational and daily activities, and at times social isolation. Many who have the problem find it embarrassing, trying to avoid shaking hands and hiding sweat stains by wearing black jackets even during Summer.

Treatments to stop excess sweating

Treatment options available for the treatment of hyperhidrosis include:

Antiperspirants/deodorants: Aluminium chloride hexahydrate in antiperspirants blocks the sweat pores and is best applied to clean dry skin at night. Irritation and itching of the skin can be an unwanted side effect.

Medications: Agents that inhibit the release of acetylcholine such as glycopyrrolate lotion and tablets can be prescribed by a doctor specializing in excess sweating. These agents may cause dry mouth, dizziness, and other side effects.

Iontophoresis: A small electric current is passed through a solution (tap water/glycopyrrolate) and temporarily blocks the sweat glands. Treatment is weekly and can be fortnightly depending on your response. Click here for more information.

Injections: This has been used in Australia for over 20 years for medical conditions including cerebral palsy in children. It is a purified protein that blocks the release of acetylcholine. A topical anesthetic cream can be applied prior.  Most patients notice a dramatic benefit within 7 days and remain dry for 4 months or longer.

Medicare rebate is available for axillary hyperhidrosis in patients 12 years or older. Click here for more information.

Surgery: Surgery may be performed to remove the sweat glands or to interrupt the impulses from the central nervous system in a procedure called Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS). The ETS procedure is considered a last resort as it may cause compensatory or excessive sweating at another location. Please ask your GP to refer you to a surgeon to discuss this further.

Miradry is another long-term option available at some specialized medical clinics.

Please email us at or contact our rooms for an appointment to assess and discuss the most suitable treatment. Please mention hyperhidrosis/sweat-free treatment when making the booking. Click here for more information.

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